Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm not Simon!

So, the first person to read the book since it's been published was ironically, Simon Bourque. I know what you're thinking. This is some crazy publicity stunt, sinc the main character in the Twilight Alliance is named Simon. Not so! Apparently Simon (real Simon) was sick last week and the book comforted him while he got better.

Outrageous claim #1: Reading the Twilight Alliance cures you of the flu.

It's been interesting getting some feedback about the book. One thing is a lot of people don't like the main character of Simon. They say he's whiny and flaky. Simon Bourque actually said he was the John Kerry of the fantasy world.

That's all well and good. But following people expressing how much they don't like Simon, some people go on to then say, "He reminds me of you! When I read it I see your face."

I didn't really see that coming. In short, "I dislike Simon and Simon is like you C.S. Gregg." Oh well, what can you do. A quick disclaimer though, Simon isn't really just me in fantasy wizard form. I wrote him as a character to be critical of. He's pretty naive, self-righteous... And other things. Clearly I'm none of those things. Anyway, I reiterate, I am not Simon!

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